Friday, October 24, 2008

I Once was Blind

As Jesus walked with his disciples, they came upon a blind beggar. The disciples asked, "Master, who did sin, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?" John 9:2. Thankfully Jesus replied with great compassion, "Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents: but that the works of God should be made manifest in him" John 9:3

I am a cripple. That's what people used to call it. Now the politically correct term is "disabled". What ever you may choose to call it, I don't walk well nor do I walk any distance to speak of. I've used my cane, my walker, my wheelchair and my scooter for mobility assistance. My grand children have been around it their entire lives.

Every one of my grandchildren has at one time or another played, "hide the cane". Last winter we were out checking on the greenhouse and they played "lock Nana in the greenhouse". I make light of my disability but demand respect for it. They have fun playing with me but they also know the limits of how far to take it. They don't see "Nana the cripple, they just see Nana". I'm very proud of how I've helped them accept people with disabilities. Treat them with respect and compassion.

My RSD is a means by which God's work should be made manifest. I don't look sick. I look "normal", but my testimony is that I CAN WALK! I took action in regards to my diagnosis of "sorry, but you will not walk again" and "Went to the pool of Siloam" (John 9:7) . I spent painful weeks in physical therapy and was able to actually bend my knees without surgery!

John 9:8"The neighbours therefore, and they which before had seen him and he was blind, said, Is not this he that sat and begged?"

Yep! That's me. Praise God when Jesus said Go, I went! I washed, and I received! (John 9:11) I once was "blind" but now I "see"!!!

Each of us has a Handicap. Mine is RSD. I didn't ask for it. It is not a result of sin or lack of faith. It is NOT my parents fault. My RSD is a way for God to be magnified through the compassionate touch of my Lord. I can see that now.

1 comment:

shawnda said...

Cindy you are such an encouragement to me. I love reading your thoughts and insights. Praise the Lord that you have chosen to use your RSD and other things for Him. Love you! Shawnda