Monday, September 29, 2008

Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy

"Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome, RSDS, is now referred to as Complex
Regional Pain Syndrome, CRPS. It is a progressive disease of the Autonomic
Nervous System .
RSD/CRPS is ranked as the most painful form of chronic pain
that exists today by the McGill Pain Index.
There are FOUR Main
Symptoms/Criteria of CRPS/RSD:
1) Constant chronic burning pain (includes
allodynia - extreme sensitivity to touch, sound, and vibration) 2) Inflammation
(this can affect the appearance of the skin, bruising, mottling, etc.) 3)
Spasms-in blood vessels and muscles of the extremities 4) Insomnia/Emotional
Disturbance (includes the major changes to the limbic system such as short-term
memory problems, concentration difficulties, etc.) "

copied from

Well, welcome to my world! The list of symptoms can go on and on. I have been blessed with all of the above mentioned at one time or another and sometimes all of them at once! Lucky me!

"Ye know how through the infirmity of the flesh I preached the gospel unto you at the first" Galatians 4:13 Paul was physically challenged and yet continued to preach and praise. I think I shall do the same in what ever capacity the Lord leads. For the moment, Blogger seems to be the path to follow. Maybe someone will be searching for answers about this horrific affliction and stumble upon teachings of the Word! In spite of the pain, I shall praise!

1 comment:

jesdenm said...

Gentle pain free hugs to you. I too am afflicted with this horrible condition. I have had it now since 12/2/06 (darn that manhole).

If you have any questions please feel free to ask. I don't know how long you have had it and don't want to appear condescending by offering you what you probably already know.

Hugs. I can at least say that you will make it. There is no cure but at least there is hope of it being manageable and controlled.

Hugs, hugs hugs.