Monday, September 29, 2008

Vesper Chime

Saturday was my 51st birthday! I realize time is passing so quickly for me and I don't want to miss a thing! God's precious gifts are all around me.

My husband bought me some windchimes for my birthday. They are called Vesper Chimes. The card that came with them tells the story:

A vesper bell is a bell rung to call worshippers to Vespers, or evening prayers. Traditionally, in both the Roman Catholic and Protestant liturgies, Vespers includes the Song of Mary - know as the Magnificat -from the Gospel according to Luke, in addition to several psalms and prayers. This chime is specially tuned to sound like the ringing of distant curch bells.

My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God, my savior, For he has looked with favor on his lowly servant Luke 1:46-48

I hope the link works to listen to the beautiful melody! I hung the chimes on the carport because that is where we sit in the evening playing with the dogs. The sound of the chimes remind me that my spirit DOES rejoice in the Lord!


Sandy said...

I hope your birthday was wonderful Cindy... and I couldn't hear the chimes... yet I know how they might sound. Love ya, kiddo!

Cool Grandma said...

I heard the chimes....I love chimes. You will certainly enjoy them.